
Investment financing

FRANSABANK El Djazaïr offers a range of services that fully meet the investment visions of companies.

Investment loans are short, medium and long-term loans intended to finance investment projects (implementation and extension) or equipment (acquisition and renewal).

  • Medium-term credit (CMT): This is a credit whose duration is between two (02) and five (05) years, and intended to finance acquisitions and installations and/or fittings of equipment.
  • Long-term credit (CLT): It is a credit whose duration is greater than Five (05) years and less than Twelve (12) years, and intended to finance heavy investments whose life and amortization period is long such as constructions (factories, hotels, infrastructures, etc.).

Financing of operations

FRANSABANK El Djazaïr is there to assist its customers on a daily basis, by providing them with suitable loans to meet the financing needs of businesses.

Operating credits are grouped in the following forms:


1) Advances:

It is a cash credit of a very short duration, granted to companies in short-term cash flow needs in order to allow our customers to cope with the discrepancies between income and expenditure, this type of credit can be granted in the forms below:

  • Advance on invoices;
  • Advance on project ;
  • Advance on stock;
  • Advance on securities.

2) Overdrafts:

We offer two formulas to our customers, namely:

  • Overdraft in current account: This credit is granted for a maximum period of one year within the limit of a maximum position of 15 days of the beneficiary’s turnover.
  • Overdraft facility: it is granted to the company to deal with temporary cash flow difficulties following a discrepancy between its income and its expenses (Mobilizable short-term credit (CCTM) and Post Financing)

3) Paper instrument discount:

The Bank makes available to its customers the amount of commercial paper (bill of exchange, promissory note) transferred to it before their due dates.


The Bank provides our customers with the following types of indirect credit:

1) Guarantees:

By endorsing a bill of exchange or a promissory note, we allow our customers to more easily negotiate the terms and conditions of payment with their partners.

2) Customs guarantees:
  • Guaranteed bonds
  • Credit submission for collection
  • Temporary admission
  • Deposit at the fictitious warehouse
  • Contentious submission
3) Deposits for disputed taxes

4) Contract guarantees:
  • Guarantees for refunds of advances
  • Performance bonds and guarantees
  • Tender or adjudication bonds
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