
Saving with Fransabank El Djazaïr means choosing a simple and easy solution to satisfy your many present and future needs and desires:

  • Grow your money
  • Prepare your future projects (housing, car, studies, vacations, family celebrations, etc.)
  • Deal with unforeseen expenses
  • Keep your money safe.

What advantages!

  • Attractive remuneration: Take advantage of a single attractive interest rate, whatever the amount of your savings.
  • Availability: Have your money at your convenience and at any time.
  • Flexibility: Perform operations on the entire Fransabank El Djazaïr network.
  • Free: Benefit from a free account and savings account, with no management fees or commissions on transactions
  • Security: Protect your money from the risk of loss or theft, and make a safe investment.
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